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In this course you will find: 

  • The fundamental concepts of creativity and how it can be trained.
  • The principles of creativity
  • Practical applications of creativity principles in crafting sales messages.
  • Techniques to overcome writer’s block and generate fresh, engaging content.
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Do you feel you don’t stand out enough when reaching out to your potential buyers?

Have you ever experienced writer’s block while trying to craft messaging that stands out? Sales expert Mafalda has good news for you: creativity can be trained like any other skill, and she will show you how in this course.

"Creativity Principles for Prospecting" is a transformative journey designed to empower sales professionals to infuse creativity into their outreach strategies. This course will demystify the concept of creativity and provide practical tools to help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the principles and techniques needed to craft compelling, engaging, and memorable messages that capture your audience's attention and fill your sales pipeline.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understanding Creativity: Learn what creativity means and how it can be developed. Discover that creativity is a skill anyone can cultivate through deliberate practice and the right techniques.
  • Changing Elements: Explore the first set of creativity principles by Gianni Rodari, focusing on the concept of changing elements. Learn how altering various aspects of a scenario can lead to innovative and engaging outcomes.

  • Adjusting Quantities: Delve into the second batch of creativity principles by Gianni Rodari, which focuses on changes in quantity. Understand how adjusting the number or amount of elements in a scenario can transform it into something unique and compelling.

  • Other Creative Changes: Learn the remaining creativity principles by Gianni Rodari. Discover various techniques to modify scenarios, enhancing your creative toolkit and enabling you to craft diverse and engaging stories.

  • Applying Creativity to Sales Outreach: Apply the creativity principles to your sales outreach. Learn how to integrate these principles into your emails, calls, and other outreach efforts to create impactful and memorable communication.

Course Highlights:

  • Practical, hands-on lessons that can be immediately applied to your daily sales activities.
  • Techniques to consistently generate fresh and engaging content.
  • Expert insights and proven strategies to transform your sales messaging.
  • Enhanced ability to attract and retain more potential buyers, effectively filling your sales pipeline.

Why Enroll?

Enhance Your Sales Skills: Gain a unique edge in sales by learning how to apply creativity principles to your outreach efforts.

Overcome Writer’s Block: Learn techniques to consistently generate fresh and engaging content, making your outreach stand out.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert insights and proven strategies to transform your sales messaging.

Fill Your Pipeline: With enhanced creativity, attract and retain more potential buyers, effectively filling your sales pipeline.

Enroll in "Creativity Principles for Prospecting" today and start transforming your sales outreach with the power of creativity!


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